Sunday, January 23, 2011

14 months!

It's hard to believe Claire is already 14 months- becoming more of a toddler every day. She's close to walking- braving a few steps here and there but mostly relying on cruising or holding a hand. She loves climbing the ladder and going down the slide by herself at the playground- she's a bit of a daredevil! We're hearing more and more words- "hot" (paired with a very serious frown), "key", "eye" (said while poking us in the eye) and "no no no no" are amongst the most popular right now.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Who me? (aka: the tiny opportunist)

Any opportunity Claire finds to get into large volumes of 'stuff'- whether it be clothes, wrapping paper, shoes, tupperware or anything else she can get into- is considered good times by her. She's recently started reprimanding herself when she gets into something she really isn't supposed to by saying 'no no no no' (usually whilst standing on top of her high chair, spinning all the toilet paper off the role, or attempting to touch the tv).