This is the faux-smile I got when I busted Claire helping herself to spelt flakes the other day....followed up by a very innocent "what, I'm not doing anything"... Her favourite new activity is washing produce while I'm prepping dinner- and often munching on said produce while washing it. Can't really complain about a kid who will happily eat raw broccoli though.
After many attempts (all resulting in Claire yelling "I hold it" while wildly grabbing at the videocamera), I finally managed to capture her in her element, painting with water on the deck, singing and talking (with a little prompting from mom:).
For the last month or so, any attempts to take video of Claire have almost immediately been met with demands of "I hold it!" matter how sneaky my attempts (case in point- barely holding the camera over the kitchen pass-bar) she spots the camera and game over.
A few shots from the long weekend- checking out the horses at the Saanich Fair and a post-Pagliacci's play at the park after her Dad's birthday dinner.
And some more fun outside- visits to the Marina to see the seals and otters before running across the field to Windsor Park; brushing the goats at the petting farm; chilling out on the deck and 'rock climbing' at the park.
Claire enjoyed celebrating Daddy's 40th birthday, Auntie Alexa's 21st and Grandpa's 70th birthday last week- present opening and 'cupcake' eating (apparently anything with candles is a cupcake in her mind) being her favourite parts, of course. She also enjoyed some high fives with her Aunt Jane and helping Daddy and Auntie Alexa blow out their candles.